TO GET THE LOOK: Are you thinking about trading in your regular boy’s hair cut for a new trendy look? If that’s the case, try Matt Damon’s style cut will give you a totally new image and identity. This action packed do’ loaded with sex appeal and a lethal “chick magnet”. To get the look, let’s take it one step at a time; starting with a style cut and shaping.
LET’S SHAPE IT: For Matt’s style, start with a contoured shape with close tapered sides and collar length neckline. The crown is combed forward and brushed to the side with a few love locks filling in the hairline. Matt’s hair style is ideal for straight or wavy hair and most face shape, especially those with strong facial features like Matt’s. With a few adjustments (trims) as it grows you can find the ideal length and shape for your style.

au natural. After, work a dab of pomade through the top and sides for a textured or spiky look and you’ve got Matt Demon’s star style!
LET’S ADD SIDEBURNS: Nothing can reshape a face or add a dramatic look like Sideburns. They can be full, close, long, short or narrow. This simple addition can make large ears appear smaller or a narrow face wider and definitely adds a stylish or artsy look. Include close short tapered sideburns and you’ve got the look.
NOW, LET’S COLOR IT: Actors like Matt Damon change their hair color often for the many characters the play so dying their hair is no big deal. Matt’s ash brown hair with gray around the edge is given a deep Coco brown hue with a semi permanent tint to define the shape and wash the gray away. After, a clear glaze is applied to seal-in the color and turn up the shine. To keep it up the new growth is colored with each or every other hair cut.