Katie Holmes with her fan following and media highlighting her trends, has become a statement of fashion and style. She has been looking more stunning with each passing year. She has taken care to add new styles every now and then, trying different things to spice up her image.

The latest bob style is associated with Katie, which she has varied to give her cute looks. Her dresses have varied from simple casual jeans to trendy skirts giving her cute looks. This variation of the classic bob cut was the hottest style in setting a trend among teenagers and women to get themselves a refreshingly new look. Many hairstylists just needed the words "Katie Holmes latest style" and in no time, one would step out of the saloon supporting this style.

The latest Katie Holmes style has the front fringes trimmed neatly to cover the forehead above eyebrows. You can vary it by sliding the front hair to one side. The side bangs have framed the face elegantly right up to the chin. Or, you can keep them short just below the ear and let them grow slowly keeping them trimmed.

The Cruises, being the friends of the Armani’s, Katie is expected to launch her own fashion label soon. The label will be called “Katie Holmes for Armani.” With this association, you can expect a new and stylish line of clothes hitting the market. It is expected to go on sale next year.